Participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Poland will come together for a series of educational and hands-on experiences. They will have the chance to engage in workshops where they’ll learn about the intricacies of organic farming, create traditional dishes using organic products, and exchange cultural culinary traditions during planned cultural evenings. The exchange is not just an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills but also a platform for sharing experiences and viewpoints with peers from different European regions.
Project Objectives:
Disseminating knowledge about organic food, its production, and impact on health and the environment.
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle by incorporating organic products into the diet.
Highlighting the importance of local suppliers and short supply chains in an ecological context.
Educating on ways to prevent food waste and promoting the zero-waste ideology.
Organizing youth exchanges that allow participants to get to know each other and exchange experiences related to organic eating.
“Bio Food” is a unique culinary journey through the traditional cuisines of Poland, Romania, Croatia, and Bulgaria. This book presents a collection of classic recipes from these regions, all reimagined with a focus on eco-friendly and sustainable cooking practices. It offers a modern take on beloved traditional recipes, highlighting the use of organic ingredients and environmentally conscious preparation methods, perfect for those who wish to embrace a more natural and mindful approach to cooking.
“Bio Food” to wyjątkowa podróż kulinarna po tradycyjnych kuchniach Polski, Rumunii, Chorwacji i Bułgarii. Książka prezentuje kolekcję klasycznych przepisów z tych regionów, zreinterpretowanych z naciskiem na ekologiczne i zrównoważone praktyki kulinarne. Oferuje nowoczesne podejście do ulubionych tradycyjnych przepisów, podkreślając wykorzystanie organicznych składników i świadome metody przygotowywania potraw, idealne dla tych, którzy pragną wprowadzić do swojej kuchni bardziej naturalne i odpowiedzialne podejście.
A “Bio Food” egyedülálló kulináris utazás Lengyelország, Románia, Horvátország és Bulgária hagyományos konyháiban. Ez a könyv ezen régiók klasszikus receptjeinek gyűjteményét mutatja be, újragondolva, környezetbarát és fenntartható főzési gyakorlatokra összpontosítva. Modern megközelítést kínál a kedvelt hagyományos receptekhez, kiemelve az organikus alapanyagok használatát és a tudatos elkészítési módszereket, tökéletes azoknak, akik szeretnék konyhájukat természetesebb és környezettudatosabb irányba terelni.
A könyvet itt lehet elolvasni:
“Bio Food” е уникално кулинарно пътешествие през традиционните кухни на Полша, Румъния, Хърватия и България. Тази книга представя колекция от класически рецепти от тези региони, преработени с акцент върху екологичните и устойчиви практики за готвене. Тя предлага съвременен поглед върху обичани традиционни рецепти, като подчертава използването на органични съставки и екологосъобразни методи за приготвяне – идеални за тези, които искат да възприемат по-естествен и осъзнат подход към готвенето.
Книгата може да се прочете тук:
“Bio Food” este o călătorie culinară unică prin bucătăriile tradiționale din Polonia, România, Croația și Bulgaria. Această carte prezintă o colecție de rețete clasice din aceste regiuni, reinterpretate cu un accent pe practici de gătit ecologice și durabile. Oferă o abordare modernă a rețetelor tradiționale îndrăgite, subliniind utilizarea ingredientelor organice și a metodelor de preparare conștiente din punct de vedere ecologic, perfectă pentru cei care doresc să adopte o abordare mai naturală și responsabilă în bucătărie.
Cartea poate fi citită aici:
Contributing to the creation of promotional materials such as a mini cookbook and a campaign that advocates for organic food consumption, the participants will play a vital role in spreading awareness about the benefits of eco-friendly eating. Activities like the workshops “Myths and Facts about Organic Food” and “Eco-Friendly Eating on a Budget” aim to demonstrate that healthy eating habits can be cultivated without significant financial investment.
The project combines learning and development with fun and engagement. Integration evenings, thematic excursions, and field activities will enable participants to explore the local environment, understand better where their food comes from, and see first-hand the practices behind eco-friendly food production.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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